Check your existing power plans and you will probably find one. You can create two power plans, or just create one and make do with one of the other existing plans. This solution comes from SuperUser user miroxlav. You will also need to find their GUIDs, and lastly, you will need to run an AutoHotKey script. In order to disable sleep mode when an external display is connected, you will need two power plans in Windows. Here’s a simple way to disable sleep mode when an external display is connected. If you’re watching something on an external display, the system might enter sleep mode if you’re inactive too long. For example, in Windows 10 if you play a movie in the Moves & TV app, your system will not enter sleep mode. Some apps, mostly media players, can circumvent this from happening. This is a standard feature that has been part of Windows for a long time. When you leave your system unattended for too long, it enters sleep mode.